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2020 荣获“甘肃省高等学校青年教师成才奖”
2019 荣获“世界交通运输大会优秀委员”
2019 入选“百人计划”
2018 荣获“教书育人奖”
2017 荣获“优秀共产党员”
2016 入选“陇原青年创新创业人才”
2016 荣获首届“城市交通杯”全国研究生科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师
2016 荣获“优秀研究生指导教师”
2016 荣获“教学优秀奖”
2015 荣获“科研工作先进个人”
2013 荣获甘肃省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师
2012 荣获甘肃省教学成果奖
2011 荣获甘肃省建设科技进步一等奖
2010 荣获兰州市科技进步一等奖
2009 荣获第十四届青年教师教学竞赛一等奖
2009 荣获甘肃省建设科技进步一等奖
2008 荣获甘肃省高校科技进步三等奖
2005 荣获兰州市科技进步二等奖


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  • 交通运输规划与管理、管理科学与工程、物流管理

  • *的为通讯作者,截止202012

    [1] Ma Changxi, Wang Chao, Xu Xuecai*. A multi-objective robust optimization model for customized bus routes, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.3012144(SCI).

    [2] Ma Changxi*, Dai Guowen, Zhou Jibiao*. Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction for Urban Road Sections based on Time Series Analysis and LSTM_BILSTM Method, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020accept(SCI).

    [3] Ma Changxi, Xu Xuecai*. Providing spatial-temporal priority control strategy for BRT lanes: a simulation approach, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2020,146(7):04020060(SCI).

    [4] Ma Changxi and He Ruichun*. Green wave traffic control system optimization based on adaptive genetic-artificial fish swarm algorithm, Neural Computing and Applications, 2019,31(7):2073-2083. (SCI, ESI 1%高引论文)

    [5] Ma Changxi*. Network optimization design of Hazmat based on multi-objective genetic algorithm under the uncertain environment, International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, 2018,12(4):236-244 (SCI).

    [6] Xu Xuecai, Luo Xiangjian, Ma Changxi*, Xiao Daiquan. Spatial-temporal  analysis  of  pedestrian  injury severity with geographically and temporally weighted regression model in Hong Kong, Transportation Research Part F, 2020, 69: 286-300(SSCI).

    [7] Xue Zhaojie, Zeng Shuhui, Ma Changxi*. Economic modeling and analysis of the ride-sourcing market considering labor supply. Research in Transportation Business and Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.rtbm.2020.100530(SSCI).

    [8] Yu Miao*, Zheng Changjiang, Ma Changxi. Analysis of injury severityof rear-end crashes in work  zones: a random parameters approach withheterogeneity in means and variances, Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 2020, 27:100126(SSCI)

    [9] Wu Weitiao*, Liu Ronghui, Jin Wenzhou, Ma Changxi. Stochastic bus schedule coordination considering demand assignment and rerouting of passengers, Transportation Research Part B, 2019, 121:275-303(SCI, ESI 1%高引论文).

    [10] Ma Changxi*, Zhou Jibiao*, Xu Xuecai (Daniel), Pan Fuquan, and XuJin. Fleet scheduling optimization of hazardous materials transportation: a literature review, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020, 1-16(SCI期刊).

    [11] Wu Weitiao*, Liu Ronghui, Jin Wenzhou, Ma Changxi. Simulation-based robust optimization of limited-stop bus service with vehicle overtaking and dynamics:A response surface methodology, Transportation Research Part E, 2019, 130: 61-81(SCI).

    [12] Lyu Nengchao, Duan Zhicheng, Ma Changxi, Wu Chaozhong*. Safety margins – a novel approach from risk homeostasis theory for evaluating the impact of advanced driver assistance systems on driving behavior in near-crash events. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/15472450.2020.1795846 (SCI).

    [13] Ma Changxi*, Zhou Jibiao*, and Yang Dong. Causation analysis of hazardous material road transportation accidents based on the ordered logit regression model, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17: 1-25(SSCI).

    [14] Ma Changxi*, Hao Wei*, Wang Aobo, Zhao Hongxing. Developing acoordinated signal control system for urban ring road under the vehicle-infrastructure connected environment, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 52471-52478 (SCI, ESI 1%高引论文).

    [15] Wang Chao, Ma Changxi*, Xu Xuecai(Daniel). Multi-objective optimization of real-time   customized  bus routes based on two-stage method, Physica A, 2020,537: 1-24(SCI期刊).

    [16] Ma Changxi*, He Ruichun, Zhang Wei. Path optimization of taxicarpooling, PLOS ONE,2018, 13(8):e0203221(SCI,ESI 1%高引论文)

    [17] Ma Changxi*, Zhou Jibiao*, Xu Xuecai(danlel),   and Xu Jin.  Evolution regularity    mining and  gating  control method of urban recurrent trafficcongestion: a literature review, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020,Article ID 5261580, 1-13(SCI).

    [18] Yu Miao*, Ma Changxi, Zheng Changjiang, Chen Zhen, and Yang Tinghui. Injuryseverity of truck-involved crashes in work zones on rural and urban highways:accounting for unobserved heterogeneity, Journal of Transportation Safety &Security, 2020, DOI:10.1080/19439962.2020.1726544 (SSCI).

    [19] Ma Changxi*, Zhou Jibiao*, Yang Dong, and Fan Yuanyuan. Research on the relationship between the individual characteristics of electric bike riders and illegal speeding behavior: a questionnaire-based study. Sustainability, 2020, 12: 1-13(SSCI).

    [20] Ma Changxi*, and Yang Dong. Public transit network planning in small cites considering safety and convenience, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 12(1): 1-12(SCI).

    [21] Xiao Qiang*, He Ruichun, Ma Changxi, and Zhang Wei. Evaluation of urban taxi-carpooling matching  schemes  based on entropy weight fuzzy matter-element, Applied Soft Computing, 2019, 81:1-10(SCI).

    [22] Wu Weitiao*, Jiang Shuyan, LiuRonghui, Jin Wenzhou, and Ma Changxi. Economic development, demographic characteristics, road network and traffic accidents in Zhongshan, China: gradient boosting decision tree model, Transportmetrica A:Transport Science, 2020, 16(3): 359-387(SCI).

    [23] 马昌喜, 何瑞春*, 熊瑞琦. 基于双层规划的危险货物配送路径鲁棒优化,交通运输工程学报,2018,18(5):165-175(EI).

    [24]马昌喜,王超,郝威*,刘晶, 张兆磊. 突发公共卫生事件下应急定制公交线路优化.交通运输工程学报2020,20(3):89-99(EI).

             [25] 周继彪,马昌喜*,董升,张敏捷.新冠肺炎疫情下城市公共交通非常规防疫策略-以宁波市为例,

       中国公路学报,   2020, 33(11):1-10(EI).

  •    (1)主持完成国家自然科学基金项目:基于备选运输路段筛选的危险货物运输网络鲁棒优化研究(No.51408288),研究时间:2015.01—2017.12


       (3)主持国家自然科学基金项目:基于多源大数据的城市常发性交通拥堵演化规律挖掘及门限控制方法(No. 52062027),研究时间:2021.01—2024.12




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